A blueprint drawing of a wooden box and various bonking utensils. Inside the box a cat wearing a suit and glasses is holding a baseball bat. The caption says Schrödinger's Bonk. A blueprint drawing of a wooden box and various bonking utensils. Inside the box a cat wearing a suit and glasses is holding a baseball bat. The caption says Schrödinger's Bonk.

Schrödinger's Bonk

Play 0x01 Play 0x01 Schrödinger's Bonk 4:14

My submission for Bonk Knob Records' Not What I Call Bonk Wave - Volume 002 compilation.

You can find the whole double album at bonkknobrecords.bandcamp.com.


beat & words: AxWax


license: cc-by-nc-sa 4.0
release date: 2024-01-26


BonkWave, NotBonkWave

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